Dell Lemmon

Dell Lemmon is the author of Single Woman published by Box Turtle Press. Her poems have appeared or will soon be published in Court Green, Cape Cod Poetry Revie...

Emily Blair

Emily Blair Emily Blair’s poetry has appeared in Barrow Street, Bone Bouquet, Gulf Coast, Sixth Finch, Juked, The Journal, Indiana Review, New Ohio Review, crea...

Joanna Oltman Smith

Joanna Oltman Smith was born and raised in Berkeley in the Age of Aquarius until college brought her East. She resides in Brooklyn where she’s a full-time mothe...

Judy Schneier

Judy Schneier has a BA in Philosophy from Barnard College and a Masters in Social Work from NYU. She completed the Child and Adolescent psychotherapy training ...

Julia Knobloch

Julia Knobloch Julia Knobloch is a TV journalist turned translator, project manager, and emerging poet. Her essays and reportage have been published in print an...

Julie Hart

Julie Hart Originally from Minnesota, Julie Hart has lived in London, Zurich and Tokyo and now in Brooklyn Heights. Her work can be found in Five Quarterly, Den...

Kaleigh Rogers

Kaleigh Rogers is a Canadian poet and journalist living in Manhattan. She has been writing for as long as she can remember and spends her days reporting on scie...

Marietta Brill

Marietta Brill has had her poetry, essays, and reviews appear in, The Conversant, The Rumpus, The Brooklyn Rail, Brain, Child Magazine, Litera...

Marine Cornuet

Marine Cornuet is a poet, translator (French/English), curator, and arts administrator based in Brooklyn, NY. Keeping the Chaff and the Wheat (Unsolicited Press...